A Dark Past

Violence is ubiquitous throughout human history: Now, a new study on Stone Age Europeans is showing that farmer-settler groups brutally wiped out nomadic hunter-gatherers thousands of years ago, Science Alert reported. To arrive at this conclusion, an international research team conducted a thorough DNA analysis of...

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The Healing Juice

The Matebele ants of sub-Saharan Africa have a fearsome reputation. Named after a southern African tribe, the ants hunt termites with military-like precision and they can go on up to five hunts a day. Death and injury are guaranteed, but the industrious insects are also very skilled...

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Expedited Process

Bacteria could hold the key to rapidly mineralizing carbon dioxide (CO2) underground, according to new research, potentially aiding in more durable storage of greenhouse gases, New Scientist reported. Researchers from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology isolated Geobacillus bacteria from a compost pile in...

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Vitamin or Ritalin?

Many modern humans have trouble paying attention, either in childhood or as adults. Turns out, ancient humans did, too. In fact, attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) actually proved useful for our ancestors and that’s why it passed through natural selection to exist to this day, a group of...

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Planting Intentions

A new study found that those altruistic tree-planting projects might be having negative consequences for the local ecosystems, New Scientist reported. Scientists recently analyzed data from the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100), a project in which 34 countries in the continent pledged to reforest 133.6...

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Durability Test

Tool making has come a long way since the early humans thousands of years ago relied on stone axes and weapons for their survival. Still, Japanese archaeologists wanted to know just how useful these ancient tools were and used precise replicas of these archaic instruments to...

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Calling For Applications!

NASA is seeking adventurous volunteers for a year-long simulation of life on Mars, set to take place in spring 2025, Gizmodo reported. The CHAPEA (Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog) project will see a four-person crew living in a Mars-like habitat at NASA’s Johnson Space Center...

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Stinky Solutions

Scientists in Australia recently came up with a novel solution to safely deter herbivores from eating certain plant species, Cosmos magazine reported. Due to a lack of natural predators, there are many native and invasive herbivores in Australia ravishing the country’s flora and threatening biodiversity. Ecologists from...

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In 2010, researchers uncovered four 1,700-year-old speckled chicken eggs at a Roman pit in Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom, as well as pottery vessels and leather shoes. All four eggs were intact when they were first found. Unfortunately, three of them broke despite careful efforts to extract them...

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Battle of the Sexes

Primatologists have held the belief that a vast majority of primate societies are dominated by the male species. But a recent study is challenging those long-standing assumptions, Scientific American reported. A research team analyzed dominance patterns in 79 living primate species, taking into account factors such as...

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Hot Wheels

In Paris, London and Madrid, tourists use Segways or scooters to see the cities. In Medellín, Colombia, some use wheelchairs to get a whole new view of the cityscape – and of mobility, the World reported. “It puts you in the shoes of someone with a...

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Mixing to Thrive

Blue whales are the largest animals on Earth, capable of reaching lengths of 110 feet long. Unfortunately, they are also listed as an endangered species as a result of intense commercial whaling over the 20th century. But even as their numbers rebound, there is a blue whale...

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Reading the Unreadable

Artificial intelligence recently deciphered part of a 2,000-year-old charred scroll found in the ancient Roman city of Herculaneum, a breakthrough that some scholars say could “rewrite the history” of the ancient world, NBC News reported. Earlier this month, three computer-savvy students won a $700,000 prize for...

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Outliving the Giants

Scientists recently analyzed data from nearly 590,000 dogs in the United Kingdom to determine what sort of factors determine a pooch’s lifespan, Smithsonian Magazine reported. The sample included purebreds and crossbreeds, including more than 280,000 deceased canines. Researchers wrote that the study targeted size, face shape,...

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A Complicated Pox

Scientists have long thought that Christopher Columbus and the Spanish conquistadors brought syphilis back from the New World to Europe in the late 1400s, Insider reported. The continent experienced a huge outbreak of the sexually transmitted disease that killed up to five million people during this...

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Counting Nemo

In the animal kingdom, counting skills usually help creatures in going after larger meals or finding safety in groups. But a new study on clownfish showed that the colorful marine species is able to “count” to identify other fish, Science Magazine reported. The vibrant-looking fish, made famous...

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Genius Behind Sound

Johann Sebastian Bach is held as one of the greatest composers of Western classical music that ever lived. Now, scientists say they know why, New Scientist reported. That conclusion came about after researcher Suman Kulkarni and her colleagues wanted to understand how the ability to recall...

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Beak Power

Rosy-faced lovebirds, known for their intelligence, have surprised researchers with their problem-solving abilities, particularly while navigating tricky situations by literally using their heads, according to the New York Times. In a new study, biomechanist Edwin Dickinson and his team observed how the small parrot moved along...

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Dangerous Greens

Astronauts: Beware of the lettuce. That’s because while a 2020 study found that lettuce grown in space was as safe and nutritious as the leafy greens found on Earth, new research has shown that space-grown salad could make space explorers very sick, according to Science Alert. In...

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Cracking the Code

The ancient tradition of carpet weaving in the northern Indian region of Kashmir features patterns that rely on a symbolic code, called talim. Designers have used the method for centuries to communicate information to weavers, who make the carpets by hand. In the traditional process, a...

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