The Haze

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Norwegian officials warned Thursday that smoke and haze from Canada’s large wildfires are expected to permeate into the Scandinavian country in the coming days, the Associated Press reported.

The Norwegian Climate and Environment Research Institute used a forecasting model to estimate how smoke would travel through the atmosphere.

The research center said it has detected increasing concentrations of aerosolized particles in southern Norway, adding that smoke has already moved over to Greenland and Iceland since June 1.

The institute’s scientists noted however that the particles in the air will not be large enough to cause health problems.

For weeks, Canada has been battling wildfires that have stretched the country’s firefighting resources, USA Today wrote.

Since the fires began in April in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, Canadian authorities have been dealing with more than 400 blazes that have burned more than eight million acres.

The smoke from the wildfires has also been drifting across the rest of the country and into the neighboring United States, turning skies hazy over the Midwest and Eastern states and forcing millions to take precautions against breathing in harmful pollutants.

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