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More than 20,000 people took to the streets of Peru this week to protest widespread poverty in the Andean nation, while also calling for the resignation of President Dina Boluarte, Reuters reported.

Transport officials said demonstrators blocked at least eight highways across the country Wednesday, while local media reported a few isolated incidents involving clashes between police and protesters.

The demonstrations targeted the inequality in the copper-rich country, while also calling for Boluarte to step down. Others also demanded the dissolution of the country’s right-wing congress and called for early elections and a new constitution.

Wednesday’s anti-government protests are the latest challenging Boluarte. The president took office in December shortly after her leftist predecessor Pedro Castillo was removed for attempting to dissolve Congress.

The ousting of Castillo and his arrest sparked months-long demonstrations in Peru, with authorities launching a bloody crackdown that killed more than 60 people.

Boluarte criticized the new demonstrations as “a threat to democracy” and the government warned it will “make rational use of force” if the protests turn violent.

Peru, the second-largest supplier of copper globally, could also face disruption along its key mining corridor, a region where Castillo is popular.

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