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French authorities arrested at least 180 people this week following the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old boy by a police officer that set off days of violent protests that continued into Friday morning, which underscored the long-standing tensions between police and communities in disadvantaged neighborhoods, CBS News reported Thursday.

The unrest began when an officer shot the teenager – known as Nahel – during a traffic check in the Paris suburb of Nanterre on Tuesday.

Nanterre’s police chief said the officer has been taken into custody amid an ongoing murder investigation. He added that the use of the weapon was not justified.

Meanwhile, authorities are also investigating the circumstances of the teen’s refusal to comply with the police’s order to halt his vehicle.

Regardless, violent protests erupted across France with angry crowds attacking police stations, town halls and public transport.

Around 170 officers were injured in the clashes. The government deployed 40,000 police around the country amid fears of more violence, the Associated Press added.

Government officials, including President Emmanuel Macron, strongly condemned the killing as “inexplicable and inexcusable” and called for calm.

Observers noted that the incident sparked anger over what protesters perceive as police violence and abuse of power, particularly in marginalized communities such as Nanterre. It also renewed calls from activists and community leaders for more police reform and greater accountability.

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