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A Belgian court convicted eight men in connection to the 2016 terrorist attacks that rocked the country’s capital, killing 35 people and injuring hundreds, the Wall Street Journal reported.

In March 2016, two separate suicide bombings took place in Brussels, at the international airport and at a metro stop. The terrorist organization Islamic State claimed responsibility.

On Tuesday, the court found six men guilty of murder and two more were convicted on charges of belonging to a terrorist group. Two other defendants were acquitted.

The defendants also included Salah Abdeslam, who is already serving a life sentence in France for his involvement in the 2015 Paris attacks that killed 130 people and injured 350 others, the Guardian wrote.

French authorities allowed Abdeslam, along with four others, to be transported to Belgium to be put on trial for the country’s biggest peacetime attack.

The verdicts mark the conclusion of the largest trial in Belgium’s legal history, involving more than 900 civil plaintiffs, and that lasted several months. Sentencing is expected to take place later this year.

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