Celebrating DailyChatter’s Sixth Anniversary

DailyChatter published its first newsletter on March 16, 2016, exactly six years ago. It’s been a remarkable journey. We began with a few hundred subscribers and a vision of helping Americans know the world better. As I write to you today, we’ve grown to more than 131,000 subscribers in every corner of this country and in all regions of the world. We’re now the largest US newsletter exclusively devoted to world news, with a deeply loyal readership and an open rate that would be the envy of any other publisher.

For that we are deeply indebted to you, our subscribers, to our many newspaper partners, and to our colleagues at two dozen World Affairs Councils in large and small cities across this country. As one small token of our appreciation, I’m happy to announce that DailyChatter will not be increasing its retail subscription price this year, one of the few things these days that’s not going up in price.

Later this year we’ll also announce the details of a new annual feature we’re calling Reader’s Choice Week. You get to tell us which country in the world you’d most like us to report on, and then we’ll select five and devote an entire week of DailyChatter to those stories.

One of the hallmarks of DailyChatter is our decision to work with college students. We now provide hundreds of thousands of dollars of free subscriptions to students and faculty at 330 colleges and universities in 36 countries worldwide. We’re deeply proud of this program and plan to expand it later this year to include high school students in the United States. You can provide a free subscription to any college student among your family or friends by just sharing this signup link with them: www.dailychatter.com/students.

In closing, I want to acknowledge the suffering in Ukraine. Our prayers are with all whose lives have been impacted by this war in the heart of Europe. It’s a tragic reminder of why it’s so important to be understand the forces at work around the world. As we begin our 7th year, DailyChatter’s mission and our commitment to non-partisan reporting have never been more important.

With my gratitude and appreciation and with my hope for many more anniversaries together.

Best wishes, Phil Balboni

Philip S. Balboni
CEO, Founder and Co-Executive Editor, DailyChatter